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Ondřej Bělica (*1990) is multimedia artist and architect based in Frýdek-Místek and Brno, Czech republic. He creates objects, site-specific installations and architectural structures in the landscape, public spaces and gallery environments. His work combines elementary principles with new technologies and nature. Naturality and minimalism are the main language in his aesthetics and expression.


He studied at the school of non-figurative sculpting and school of architecture at Brno

and Ljubljana, where he experienced the collaboration between artists and architects.

As a result,  he loves to connect art and architecture and creates spatial and contextual artworks on different themes and scales.


His work is represented in private collections, galleries and installed in public spaces.




I am artist balancing on the edge of art, architecture and design. I am interested in the intersections of these creating fields and I try to push their boundaries. Significant materials used in my spatial artworks are wood, steel, water and light, which probably come from my homeland in a post-industrial area in the Beskydy mountains.


My working process is based on a minimalistic, conceptual and contextual thinking method,

which offers me countless possibilities of project media and scale. Connecting natural principles, traditional crafts and new technologies are a characteristic topic in my work and in my relationship to the world.


I usually work on the scale of the object, architecture, public space and landscape. In my practice

I am experienced in sculpting, architectural design, exhibition design and public space design,

where all these skills are present.


My studio projects are aimed at rethinking the traditional perspective on painting and sculpture.

I love to let the things and materials with their forces act to create the art. In my paintings, water drops on the steel sheets makes natural drawings and daylight makes linear shadows. I am obsessed with penetrating objects and spaces to show new points of view, which are often hidden from everyday reality.


I love to invent new perspectives and collaborate with other artists and architects. I believe the best work is born at the borders of connections.


* 1990, Frýdek - Místek, CZ



Faculty of Fine Arts BUT / Brno - Studio of non-figurative sculpture - prof. Ambrůz  


Faculty of Architecture BUT / Brno - Architecture and Urbanism  



Faculty for Architecture of the University of Ljubljana - Architecture and Urbanism



Miloš Forman Memorial, Čáslav, 2022 - 3rd prize  

Grave of uknown soldier, Bratislava, 2022 + Pavel Korbička - 2nd prize  

Neons for Brno, Brno, 2022 + Pavel Korbička - 2nd prize  

Water element on Dominikánské náměstí, Brno, 2021 + Martin Blažek - 3rd prize

Memorial to War Veterans, Ostrava, 2020 Martin Blažek + Jan Adamus- 2nd prize  

Revitalization of the South Slopes Park , Frýdek-Místek, 2020 Martin Blažek + Jan Adamus- 3rd prize  

Water elements on Dominikánské náměstí, Brno, 2020 + Oldřich Morys - 3rd prize  Revitalization of the foyer of the House of Arts, Ostrava, 2017 + Matěj Jindrák + Jan Adamus - 1st prize  

Revitalization of the TGM monument, Jezernice, 2016 - 1st prize (realization 2017)  

Bohuslav Fuchs Award, FA BUT, Brno, 2016 - reward  

Soch SAD, Sculpture Symposium, Prague, 2015 - 1st prize (realization 2015)

Bohuslav Fuchs Award, FA BUT, Brno, 2014 - reward  

Concrete in Architecture, FA BUT, Brno, 2013 - reward  

Revitalization of the Svratka river embankment, Blansko, 2012 - 2nd prize  

Places with memory, Lichtensteins in Moravia, 2012 - 3rd prize  

Gates to the city of Ostrava, Ostrava, 2011 - reward  ​



THROUGH, Multi-media installation, Gallery Věž, Frýdek-Místek, 2022 + Jan Adamus 

EXPO - Virtual landscape project, Pragovka, Prague, 2021

Entreé V4, Budapest, Warsaw, Prague, 2018 

Brno Design Days, Jalta Passage, Brno, 2017 

Festival DOM, Contemporary Art Festival, Bratislava, 2017 

Badespasstotal, Multigenre symposium, Hůrky, Czech Canada, 2017 

29 Diplomanti FaVU, Hous of Lords of Kunštát, Brno, 2017 

Night of Science 2016, Technic Museum, Brno, 2016

Landscape as art piece, Mikulov Castle, 2016

Galerie SOLO Offspace, Collective exhibition, Brno, 2016

Galerie TIC, collective exhibition, Brno, 2016 

Socha 2 v Mosilaně, Collective exhibition, Mosilana, Brno, 2016 

Fresh design, Collective exhibition, Wroclaw, Polsko 2015 

The architecture of shortage, Gallery of Architecture, Brno, 2015 

Salon of Czech scenography 2013, Czech center, Prague, 2014 

Salon Czech scenographye 2013, National theatre Reduta, Brno, 2013 



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© 2022 by Ondřej Bělica

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